Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944


In- light of the extreme uncertainty that our world is facing right now, covid-19, social unrest, racial disparities, economic challenges, all having an unprecedented impact on our daily lives and communities. I look at this period in history as a valley moment. What is a valley moment you ask? It is a process, with steps and principles designed to raise our consciousness and our spiritual and emotional well-being. The last nine months have truly made us think, re-evaluate our lives, look at our social and family well-being. I look at the world through a different lens. As I look around, I must give thanks for God allowing us to focus our life lens to reset our priorities in life and take notice of the disparities in this life. He has raised our consciousness of the social ills, in desperate need of repair. Many of us now have our hands on the pulse of this society and our Country’s state of mind. Prior to the pandemic we took so many things for granted, hugging a love one, sharing a meal with friends and family, family reunions, gatherings, and the freedom to move about freely without a face mask. As we look ahead to better days, and we will have brighter days, we must give thanks to God for his grace and mercy to allow us to make the necessary changes to emerge as a better loving society as we navigate our way to a more peaceful and unified world. Happy Thanksgiving!

Wanda Lowe-Anderson


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