Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

Take the Vaccine and hold my new grandson!

On May 11, 2021, I will receive my second COVID-19 Vaccination shot. Then two weeks later I should be fully vaccinated from COVID-19. That is a huge accomplishment for me. I have always been a non-vaccination taking person. Besides, the ones required to attend school.

As an adult, I have an unwritten rule that I don't take vaccines and I don't take the flu shots. Period. I am also a graduate of Tuskegee University. I know this is different, however, in the back of my mind, I have those thoughts. I have raised my children, not to take vaccines and flu shots too. It is just an untrusting mindset that I have.

Once COVID 19 hit and we realized how contagious it is, I always wore a mask and practiced social distancing and worked from home on most days. As usual, I preached wearing a mask to my children, friends and family. I also partnered with organizations to conduct COVID 19 Testing throughout the Downriver Communities. To build my immune system I began eating oranges, taking vitamin C and Zinc supplements. I had talked to the CVS pharmacist and that is what she said. So I felt very safe.

Now, the vaccine is introduced, but I knew I wasn't going to take it so I had to continue administering my own self health plan. Wear a mask, practice social distancing, wash my hands more frequently and use hand sanitizer more often, take my supplements and get more rest. I did listen and participate in numerous educational ZOOM sessions and got all of my questions answered. It's safe. People are not getting sick. Less people are dying because they are vaccinated. I have read numerous articles and visited many websites. So what.. I still wasn't going to take the vaccine.

But then on April 3rd, I got a new grandson. That changed my thinking. There was no way I could stay six feet away from my precious little man. I know he is probably not at risk, but I couldn't have that on my conscious. So I went online and scheduled my appointment to take a vaccine. Yep me.

I took my shot at Ford Field. It was well executed. I was there a total of 40 minutes and that included the observation time and me asking questions. I didn't have any pain or side effects.

So, I then called my children and told them my opinion and that I think it is ok for them to take the vaccine. One has taken the shot and we will have to see what the others will decide to do.

I will keep you posted once I take my second shot next week. It wasn't about me. I was about my grandbaby.

Gina Wilson Steward



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