Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

Making Technology Affordable and Accessible ForAll

Willie Brake: All About Technology - Celebrates 20 years of business in Detroit

When the pandemic shut down Detroit schools and office buildings, Willie Brake closed his local computer shop, All About Technology. That closure lasted just two days. "Phones were ringing off the hook and we realized the unprecedented demand for our products and services," he recalls as everything from school to work moved online. As some non-essential businesses around the city were forced to close and people everywhere became increasingly dependent on technology, Brake assessed the risk, answered the call and reopened his store, offering appointments to manage increased traffic, curbside pickup of online orders, and virtual troubleshooting. "It was an opportunity to step up for our community. First and foremost, we realize that digital resources are increasingly critical for advancement. Families without access to technology are at a severe disadvantage, particularly families with school-age children."

It was clear to Brake that in an increasingly online world, the digital divide was deepening for students, residents, and small businesses in his community. Through a unique recycling program utilizing discarded computers from corporations and government agencies, All About Technology helps connect lower-income residents, businesses, and nonprofits with affordable computers while reducing electronic waste that might have otherwise ended up in a landfill. Brake created a product in the tech marketplace in 2001, known far and wide as the $200 Computer. This $200 Computer was helpful in providing people with the tools they needed at a price they could afford. Brake and his staff sold approximately 1,200 refurbished computers during the pandemic and realized a significant increase in business compared to the same period the year before.

Brake also continued his 14-year partnership with the City of Detroit's federally funded summer employment youth program and local workforce development agencies to help local youth learn about potential career paths and gain important work skills despite the lockdown. The All About Technology Summer Associates Program is a six-week summer program that employs local youth and provides internship and job shadowing for teens interested in learning more about the technology and retail industries, serving as a foothold for their future careers. Brake allows the youth to work on the front lines assisting customers and helping with key operations providing invaluable on-the-job learning experience. That first job or internship provides opportunity for youths to learn how to succeed and, more importantly, how to fail and try again. It's where youth begin to acquire the habits, skills, and values that guide them for life. Brake also donated computers to his 2020 summer interns to support their educational efforts and so he could continue to mentor them after the program ended.

With funding from grants, Brake increased his network's bandwidth so more of his employees could work remotely, and he expanded the online ordering capabilities so customers could continue to shop from home. He also expanded his business reach with radio and TV commercials as well as print and online marketing and after seeing an increase in customer retention and conversions as a result, he now realizes the extraordinary value of the advertising efforts. "The award allowed us to attract new customers, generate additional sales and increase profit margins by connecting with people that were looking for help. As a certified disability-owned minority business enterprise, our marketing campaign focused on our advantages in the marketplace such as the fact we were actually open for business during the pandemic, competitive rates, quick response and turn-around times" Brake said.

Brake is now considering opening All About Technology stores in other targeted communities. "The pandemic has given me a chance to reflect on our twenty years of service and has given me the opportunity to spend more time working on the business rather than working in the business. I am dedicated to investing in our community, our young people and continuing to bridge the digital divide by making technology affordable and accessible for all." Brake says.

All About Technology is located at 6450 Michigan Ave. in Detroit They can be contacted at or by calling 313-218-4888


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