Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

The people have spoken

I love hearing from the readers of the Telegram News. It is pleasing to realize that people enjoy the Telegram and they will take time out to let me know how they feel.

So many people call and thank us for keeping them informed about a topic or to shout out the way that one of the reporters shared a story on a particular person or issue.

But last week had people buzzing. They were calling me, texting me, calling the office, complaining to my family members… A few said they were going to write a letter to the editor.

Guess what all the hoopla was about……

They were upset that there wasn’t a Word search in the Telegram News for the last two weeks. Really?! I couldn’t believe it. So I put the word search back in. I tried to explain that the crossword puzzle is another way to use their mind, but they weren’t hearing it.

I got a hearty laugh from it, but I want to please the readers. If that is what they want to keep them happy, I was excited about making the change. But since I believe we have to always grow, I decided to include both; a word search and a crossword puzzle.

So enjoy the word search and please, call me whenever you need to. The Telegram is our newspaper. I appreciate you.

In June, I will celebrate my 15th year as CEO of the Telegram Newspaper.

Let’s keep it going.

Gina Wilson Steward



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