Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

Lincoln Park Public Schools Board Members Receive Honors

Four Lincoln Park Public Schools (LPPS) Board of Education members have been selected as 2020 Michigan Association of School Boards (MASB) Awards honorees for their commitment to students and their community. MASB Awards go to school board members who take educational courses to enhance their ability to improve Michigan's schools in their roles on local school boards. The awards were presented at a special ceremony held at LPPS Administrative Offices on Tuesday, August 31.

Board President Kathy Carter received MASB's Master Diamond Award; Board Vice President Susan Amorose received MASB's Award of Distinction; Board Secretary Gordon Gilbert received MASB's Master Board Member Award; and Board Trustee Charles Kaminski received MASB's President's Award of Recognition, the most prestigious recognition awarded a school board member.

"On behalf of all LPPS Board of Education honorees, it's truly an honor to be recognized for the long nights preparing for school board meetings and the work that takes place beyond the board table to serve our students and community," said Carter.

In opening remarks at the award ceremony, MASB Executive Director Don Wotruba commended the honorees and counted it a privilege to bestow such tributes. He highlighted Kaminski's accomplishment, adding that the President's Award includes six levels of certification, all of which Kaminski has accomplished in his more than 30 years on LPPS School Board. "It shows a level of dedication to the community, to the idea of being a good board member that few achieve in this state and I think is really something to be recognized and applauded," said Wotruba. "This board has been dedicated but clearly, in the President's Award space, it's been above and beyond."

"As school board members, we are dedicated to making LPPS an exceptional place to learn and prepare all students for bright futures," said Kaminski. "I'm excited to bring what I've learned to the full board as we continue finding new and innovative ways to help all Railsplitters succeed."

LPPS Superintendent Terry Dangerfield praised the entire school board for its dedication to the students and the community, adding, "To have board members that are dedicated to making sure that they're not only serving on the board and representing the community, but doing that in an insightful, educated way to make sure their decisions come from decision-making that is based on monumental for our students."

Wotruba added that when school districts require training for school board members, they gain instruction in areas such as school finances, data, and labor relations, which serve to enhance the board's relationship with the superintendent and other district administration as well. Currently, 25 states mandate training for school board members but Michigan is not one of them.

"Without good board members and without strong leadership at the top, you don't have a school district that achieves like you want it to; that's a combination of a strong board and a strong superintendent working together," said Wotruba. "The research bears out that boards and superintendents that do training together and work together have better student achievement because of it."


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