Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rainbow PUSH convene the 22nd Global Automotive Summit in Detroit

This year's Summit attracted over 400 automotive executives, entrepreneurs, suppliers, dealers, manufacturers, consumers, government, and elected officials to the Motor City Casino Hotel and Convention Center.

This year's theme, Expanding the Minority Opportunities During Electrification, addressed the potential disparity gaps in the Electric Vehicle supply chain for African American and other minority suppliers, dealers and professionals.

The purpose of the Summit is to facilitate a poignant discussion with the OEMs and minority companies, while focusing on an inclusive strategy. Rainbow PUSH Automotive Project has been at the forefront in solidifying the addition of diverse dealerships throughout the country. In addition, Rainbow PUSH is also responsible for the emergence of several African American advertising agencies of record in the automotive space and the significant gains in C-suite positions.

"Rainbow PUSH is working with automakers to meet advertising, marketing, dealerships, personnel and supplier goals," said Reverend Jackson, founder and president, Rainbow PUSH Coalition. "We have accomplished so much together, but the best is yet to come, as we push to achieve higher goals."

The Summit's lunch session was complete with awards, scholarships and recognition, with Piston Group, the largest African American auto supplier, receiving the Benchmark Award for its leadership, vision, hard work, management and business acumen. Vinnie Johnson is the Owner.

The community celebrated Rev. Jackson's 80th birthday on November 9th. during a reception at Motor City Conference and Hotel Center.


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