Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Delivers Response to President Biden's State of the Union Address

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Tonight, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib delivered a response to President Biden's State of the Union address on behalf of the Working Families Party. Congresswoman Tlaib uplifted the President's visionary Build Back Better agenda and voiced support for policies that prioritize the needs of working-class families. Excerpts of the speech are below:

"I'm Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib. I am the proud daughter of Palestinian immigrant parents that grew up in the most beautiful, Blackest city in the country - Detroit.

I am honored to be with you tonight to elevate the voices of the families and communities across the country that continue to be left behind.

As the mother of two boys and the eldest of 14 children, I have been taking care of people all my life. My service in Congress is guided by my roots. That's why I'm committed to standing up for communities that just want the opportunity to thrive. In the richest country in the world, it shouldn't be this hard for so many to have a good life.

Tonight, I am proud to deliver a response on behalf of the Working Families Party. The Working Families Party is a voice for the multiracial working class, fighting for a nation that cares for all of us. I'm a lifelong Democrat and I'm also part of the Working Families Party, because I believe that our government must put the needs of working families first."

Congresswoman Tlaib praised President Biden's pandemic response that saved lives and created jobs, averting economic disaster:

When President Biden took office just over a year ago, he took action. He started getting shots in arms, and acted quickly to deliver emergency relief. Congress approved direct relief checks. We helped our working parents. Stopped evictions. Sent resources to our schools and our local and state governments.

We showed the potential of an administration and Congress that act together at the scale of the challenges we all face. We showed how our government can be in the service of the working-class majority, not just the wealthy few.

And it worked: President Biden and Congress stopped what could have been economic freefall.

Not a single Republican voted for that relief package – not one.

We created 6 million new jobs – and I am inspired to see empowered workers demanding fair wages, better benefits, and


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