Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944



Age 90

City you live in: River Rouge

Where were you born and raised?: Birmingham, Alabama

Number of children: 4 Number of grandchildren 14 Number of great grandchildren 21 Number of great great grandchildren 3

What you want readers of the Telegram to know: Thanking family and friends for the beautiful gifts, cards, flowers and my 90th Birthday Party.

Employment History: Childrens Clothing Store, Housekeeping and Stanley Home Products

Family members:

9 sisters & brothers; Elizibith Scolbert (Allie), Ernest Harris, Larance Harris, Robert Harris, James Ray Harris, Bertha Harris, Arwilda Harris.

Motto you live by: What's done in the dark, surely will come to light.

Who inspires you and why? Jesus. Because he first loved me.

What do you remember most about growing up in the community where you did? Being poor

What type of activities would you like to participate in? Growing a vegetable garden

What message would you like to give to your grandchildren: Love the Lord and Love your family

Favorite Singer: Dorthy Love Coats

Favorite Movie: The Bodyguard

Favorite Actor/Actress: Denzell Washington & Billy D. Williams

Favorite Persons: Derryl Johns, Johnathon Deion Johns, Latonya, Evette (godchildren), Jackie & Jerome Flowers


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