Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Wins Re-Election Overwhelmingly in New 12th Congressional District

DETROIT - On Wednesday, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) released the following statement following her resounding victory in the Democratic primary election for the newly-created 12th Congressional District in Michigan:

"I thank my neighbors in the new Tenacious Twelfth for believing in me and our campaign. The results send a clear message that voters of all backgrounds want a fighter in Congress who will continue to stand up to corporate greed and put our families first. We put in the hard work and won every community across the 12th Congressional District. Our people over profits movement continues to have a resounding mandate to fight for our opportunity to thrive.

"Our direct voter contact campaign knocked nearly 30,000 doors and made over 120,000 phone calls to voters. We hosted events in every corner of the district, meeting voters new and old where they are and listening to their concerns. We pushed back against attacks from an out-of-state PAC funded by a Wall Street billionaire and dark money mailers. Our neighbors made it clear: No one should be able to come into our communities and tell us how to think or vote. Our democracy is ours. Yesterday, we showed folks that $1 million in attack ads can't even come close to stopping our growing movement.

"Thank you to every single person who worked so hard to make this win for our families possible. To my tireless campaign team, our dedicated volunteers and supporters - thank you.

"This girl from Southwest Detroit isn't going anywhere. I'm just getting started."


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