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River Rouge Schools Boost Young Entrepreneurs

In April 2022, the River Rouge School District added a unique learning experience called META 24to its curriculum to offer students the opportunity to learn essential skills and plan for a successful future beyond high school. META 24 is an educational program designed to inspire students to consider taking a business-focused approach to a career choice if college is not in their immediate plans once they graduate high school. META stands for Make, Enterprise, Teach, Achieve.

META 24 Director Stacey Brown-Smith says, "The whole basis is entrepreneurship. They learn about what a sole proprietorship is, what an Inc. is, they also go through the financials. So if you're making a bag, they have to be able to also show what that material costs before we sell it because we actually have a store so the thing that they make are then available for the community to buy. They get the terminology, they get the functionality, we're setting them up to actually have a business so that when they leave here and they want to continue what they've learned, they have that basis already set up so they don't get discouraged,"

The program puts its focus on STEAM-based (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) concepts as students, working in entrepreneurial incubators known as Meta Labs, devise and craft ideas for products they will design, create, and assemble a business plan for manufacturing. The ultimate goal is to succeed in selling their product at the program's Meta Store, located in the school district. High school student Keviana Johnson has been learning how to create personal care products, specifically a body butter with all-natural ingredients. The project helps develop her math and chemistry skills. "I wanted to open a nail salon, a personal care business for ladies. Here, they're showing you how to do the business aspect, how to sell the stuff, how to actually start a business, how to make your profit, and how to actually make the product," she says, adding that she intends to go into the personal care products business.

Areas of focus within the program include fashion and jewelry design, multimedia production, personal care products, 2d-3d design, e-sports and gaming design, graphic design, and advanced art. Introductory classes are offered at lower grade levels beginning in grade 3 to gauge a student's level of interest. Advanced classes are offered through grade 12. Students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, along with collaborating with others and working as a team. Students also learn how to market their product, assess cost of materials and how to factor that into expenses and profits.

META 24 founder Dr. Flavian Prince says the program educates young people with transferable, practical skills by engaging them in project-based learning, with the ultimate goal of having the schools become a conduit for community development and change as those young entrepreneurs take their newfound business skills out into the world.

Dana Keaton-Wilson is instructor of Fashion and Business Entrepreneurship. She teaches students about textiles, designing and constructing a product or garment, marketing, and the financial arm of the fashion and design industry. "I bring real-world experience to the classroom. We talk about the businesses that are coming to Michigan and the jobs you can have in the industry. There are a lot of businesses that are opening up where the skills they are learning in this class, they can actually leave this class with their sewing skills and go work in an industry that is here in Michigan," she says. "Career-wise, the possibilities are endless. They can do anything from being a fashion reporter to being in upper management in a warehouse or any type of fashion retail industry."

One of Keaton-Wilson's students says the program has given her a new drive to learn and think about her future. "When I was introduced to the program, I was excited. If the META Program wasn't here I feel I would be at home more rather than in school," says high school student Angel Molbrough. "Doing the stuff they're introducing to us, it really brings my creativity out. I'm a very creative person and I love to express myself through my art. I don't have the time or a place to do this stuff at home so when I'm here and doing this stuff, it pushes me to come to school and want to learn more. It brings out the person I am."

In Multi-media Production, students learn the basics of broadcasting, scriptwriting, and photography. Instructor Destiny Thomas says, "Multi-media Production is pretty much anything that has to do with videography and photography. We start off with learning the basics of the camera, and we've been creating different kinds of videos or taking pictures for the school that will either go in our newsletter or yearbook." Thomas says some of her students are expressing an interest in pursuing a job in media or photojournalism.

Brown-Smith says the program is a community endeavor and they welcome the support of the community. All products made by the students are high-quality, similar to what you'd expect to find in a retail store and Brown-Smith says some local salons are already purchasing the soaps and body butters the students are making to use on their clients. If you would like to visit the district's META Store reach out to the school at 313-746-0089. She adds, "It's not just for this district, if's for the community and beyond."


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