Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

Chopping It Up With The Brothers

Since the dawn of time communities have consisted of three main entities; Women, children, and men. Traditionally each comes with a set of rules and roles, all designed to keep the community going. Traditionally, women look after the children, and the women are covered by the men. This results in a healthy, balanced community. Throughout recent history that dynamic has been bounced on its head.

Men in mass have been stripped from communities, thus resulting in overworked women and underdeveloped children. Not all men have left the community, and some are making a transition back. It is sometimes difficult for those men to open up about their issues, and be candid on what plagues the community.

That is why Pastor Mack A. Hall opened up the doors of Christ Temple City of Refuge. The man of God teamed up with Keith Benett, and Darwin Griffin to host Chopping it Up with the Brothers. The event was designed for the men of Inkster to voice their concerns with the direction the city is going, and the best possible solutions.

Topics of conversation didn't include sports, women, or even money. The men gathered amongst themselves to find a better understanding of the current state of masculinity, and how it can mend the broken community. The men networked, shared their stories, and listened to the next speak without judgment and interruption.

It's no secret that black men can be who they wanted to be, simply if they made an effort. There were law enforcement, clergy, authors, health care workers, and even politicians present. Also, all of these men were not from Inkster, and had no personal stake in its city affairs. This did not stop them from chiming in, listening, offering solutions.

This is the first event of its kind for the year. It certainly will not be the last. On February 2nd there will be a men's meeting at the University of Michigan Center that will continue to bring the generations of black men closer. Don't be frightened to attend the meetings, and don't be shy about voicing your concerns about the environment behind you. Everybody speaks on black men, but black men. It starts with us


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