Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

Senior Star - Mary Frances Batie


Mary is 88 years old and lives in the City of Detroit.

She was born in Greenville, Mississippi and moved to Detroit at the age of 6. She has 7 children, 14 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren and 2 great-great grandchildren.

She wants readers of the Telegram to put God first in your life. 'Put a bridle on my tongue, first thing in the morning.' I say that to myself and that's what my mother (Mattie Walton) would say.

Her dad, Will Walton was a Licensed Barber. He had a Barber Shop and Grocery Store. He sold everything. Her mother worked in many kitchens and at Chrysler.

At 16 years of age, Mary cleaned a home for Mrs. Frantz. She also cleaned dishes and worked at a Restaurant as a waitress on the eastside of Detroit. She worked for the City of Detroit for 25 years in Human Resources Development and retired in 1994. She was a Certified Social Worker at Woodward/*Palmer then @ Grandy*

Her living family members are; sister Josephine Washington in Clovis, California. ( Deceased 8/ 3 boys 6 sisters past..Grandmother Josephine Houston

The Mottos she lives by are- Treat each person with love and treat them like you would like to be treated. Pray more and worry less; Prayer changes things.

When asked, who inspires her; She said, A very good Pastor – Bishop Brooks (deceased) of New St. Paul Tabernacle COGIC. He was a person that did a lot in the community, a man of wisdom, a civic leader. I loved my church and I sit on the Mothers' Row.

What she remembers most about growing up in Detroit is; She went to Bishop Elementary School, Miller High School where she graduated in 1953. She then went to Lewis College of Business and graduated in 1957 with a Business Degree in Shorthand with a score of 100 words per minute.

The type of activities she participates in are; Going to church service, going to CWC/Christian Wayne Council, Chat with Mothers' Group,Prayer and Birthday Service and attending Church Mothers' Board activities. She also loves to travel to Cancun and Puerto Rico.

The message that Mary would give to her grandchildren is; To excel in school, read as much as possible and finish school with a degree.

Her Favorite Singer is Yolanda Adams; Favorite Movie is Imitation of Life; Favorite Actor is Sidney Poitier; Favorite Actress is Mahalia Jackson; Favorite Person is Barack Obama and of course her Pastor – Bishop Brooks.


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