Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

Law Enforcement Deserve Michigan's ​Show of Support

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy established 7 days out of the year to honor and celebrate our Law Enforcement in America. During Police Week, all over the United States people do something to show their gratitude to Law Enforcement and their families.

Whether they gave their lives in the line of duty and left behind a family who still mourn, whether they have retired, or continue to serve, Michigan citizens owe a debt of gratitude to the men and women in Law Enforcement. It is fitting that we take a moment to go out of our way to stand up, speak up, and show up to let them know we appreciate them.

As grateful, law abiding citizens who appreciate peace and safety it is time we go above and beyond to say thank you to all those who represent this important community.

Let it be known from shore to shore, from bay to bridge, from the UP to the Lower Peninsula that Michigan citizens are proud to stand up, speak up, and show up in support of Michigan Law Enforcement. We are a better state, have safer communities and better lives because of the service and sacrifice of these brave men and women.

Officers, Michigan has your back! We give thanks for you!


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