Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

Local 283 Members Strike at Detroit's Marathon Petroleum Refinery

Union workers are still on strike at the Marathon Oil Refinery in Southwest Detroit. The 273 union members had voted by 95% to strike after negotiations and mediation did not end in a resolution. Now with expired contracts since January, members of Local 283, are demanding that their concerns be met.

Outside the entrance, members can be seen walking, talking and chanting to get the attention of anyone who passes by along, with other employees and those who are in charge. It is interesting to know the reason for this strike, is not just centered around pay but it's centered around the safety of workers and to those that live in the communities that surround the refinery. Tom Gamache, Senior Board Operator with Marathon Oil Refinery for almost 25 years, shared his concerns and reasons why the strike is occurring. "It's really a three-tiered thing, okay, we are not keeping up with inflation with pay raises, the way they want to be able to move people around, okay, it's taking experience from one area and putting it in other areas... So, what you are doing is diluting your expertise and that causes a problem". Gamache continued by saying, "Everything we are making, it is our job to keep us safe, keep the community safe, to keep everyone have to think about it this way, everything in those tanks in those pumps it's our responsibility to keep them in there because, everything in those pipes, pumps and tanks wants to get out and kill you."

Teamsters Local 283 is made up of 800 workers, who are experienced board operators, field operators, chemist, laboratory technicians, electricians and mechanics. They are workers that work around the clock to ensure that the plants remain open and running to supply fuel to consumers. The refinery can hold up to 140,000 barrels a day of crude oil.

At this time, workers are still on strike fighting for higher pay and there has been no resolution with Marathon Oil Refinery to date. Workers are concerned that the amount that has been offered, they won't be able to live with the pay because it isn't enough to keep up with inflation. Continue to follow us, the Telegram News for more updates, concerning this matter.


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