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Articles from the February 2, 2023 edition

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  • Chopping It Up With The Brothers

    Xavier Jones, Media Specialist|Feb 2, 2023

    Since the dawn of time communities have consisted of three main entities; Women, children, and men. Traditionally each comes with a set of rules and roles, all designed to keep the community going. Traditionally, women look after the children, and the women are covered by the men. This results in a healthy, balanced community. Throughout recent history that dynamic has been bounced on its head. Men in mass have been stripped from communities, thus resulting in overworked women and...

  • White House praises Mayor Duggan's Jump Start Initiative that helps Detroit residents improve their lives

    Detroit Staff|Feb 2, 2023

    The City of Detroit has partnered with 18 community groups and activist organizations on a new program unlike any other in the U.S. that will help long-term unemployed residents get reengaged in the job market. The Jump Start program, which will open to enrollment starting next week, is being funded through American Rescue Plan Act dollars made possible by the Biden Administration. Mayor Mike Duggan today joined with other city officials and President Biden's point person on the $1.9 trillion AR...

  • Learning about Dr. King should be a year long process

    Gina Wilson Steward, Telegram News Publisher|Feb 2, 2023

    The third Monday of January is the day that the nation recognizes the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The United States passed the legislation to make it a Federal Holiday in 1983. But the first observance nationwide wasn't until 1986. During many of the talks I have done in his honor over the years, I encourage people to honor his life and celebrate the accomplishments that were made during his short life throughout the year. I decided to use the Telegram to do just that. Although I...

  • The Michigan Minimun Wage Will Not Increase on Feb. 19

    Feb 2, 2023

    ANSING. - Yesterday, the Michigan Court of Appeals offered an opinion that the Michigan Legislature's previous "adopt and amend" strategy to negate ballot initiatives was constitutional and was used by Republicans in 2018 to undermine a voter-driven minimum wage raise and paid sick leave requirement. In doing so, the Court of Appeals reversed the Court of Claims' prior ruling that the ploy violated Article II, Section 9 of the Michigan Constitution. "Yesterday's outcome is unacceptable," said...

  • Downriver Community Conference Expands Economic Development and Small Business Services with Help from Federal Grant

    Feb 2, 2023

    SOUTHGATE - Last August, the Downriver Community Conference (DCC) was awarded a $1.6 million grant from the Economic Development Administration for the Downriver Riverfront Communities Economic Recovery Implementation Project to help strengthen economic development in the region following the closure of two DTE coal-fired power plants along the riverfront. The focus area for the project is the five communities located between the two retired power plants: River Rouge, Ecorse, Wyandotte, Rivervie...

  • Proposed "City Centre Park" Survey for Westland Residents

    Westland Staff|Feb 2, 2023

    PLEASE HAVE YOUR INPUT HEARD: The City of Westland has posted a survey on the proposed "City Centre Park". This survey can be quickly taken at the following link:,. Over the past year the City of Westland has been working on plans to turn the vacant parcel adjacent to City Hall (former Service Merchandise site off of Nankin Blvd.) into a programmable community gathering space/park. This project is the continuation of the vast investment in this district including...