Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

Your Vote is Your Voice

Our vote matters because Our LIVES matter, Our Health matters and Our Voice matters!

Did you vote in the last election? Do you know the people that you voted for? In the United States of America, we are governed by a sense of democracy. Whether it is the President, Governor, Mayor, Supervisor, State Representatives, Congressmen or judges, they have a level of power.

However, the real power lies within us, the voters. Since this is election season, I'm sure you will see politicians at many of the events within your community. They will come out and shake hands, smile and tell you what you want to hear. That is when our responsibility begins.

We must first become aware of the issues that are affecting us. There are many issues that we must become aware of; air quality, high insurance cost, college cost, the unfair criminal justice system, low job opportunities crime in our cities and police relationships to name a few. We must then ask what the politicians think about these issues and what actions have they taken to resolve these issues. And then you must make sure you are registered to vote and then you must vote in every election. Also make sure everyone in your family is registered.

There is not one person that can help with every situation. But you can do your part.

You may not think that your vote matters, but it does. When you find out that someone is seeking to represent you in an elected position, look up their websites, give them a call or attend one of their informative sessions. You know what issues are important to you, so ask them how they feel about those issues. Check their track records.... It's important that we elect people that represent our values.

Your Vote is Your Voice.

Gina Wilson Steward



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