I have realized that one of the most important things that is missing is ‘community engagement’. Some of the major issues that are affecting our homes, community, state and the nation can be resolved when people get involved.
I’m sure that you will agree that the issues of Crime in the city, Illiteracy, Funding and Education in school districts, Pipeline to Prison, Blight, Lack of Faith and Low Voter Turnout are issues that need to be addressed. If you agree with me, then I ask, what are you doing to help resolve any of the issues? Nothing….. Did you say Nothing? Then I need to add Complacency to the list. I would say that this is why those problems exist.
What I need you to do is SOMETHING and complaining is not one of the SOMETHING options. Get engaged in your community by getting involved. So, if you don’t know how to start, here are some tips.
Start off by talking with your family members and determining what their concerns are. Wouldn’t it be great to help your family become better? If all of your family members are doing great, then talk to the principal or superintendent in the local school district. I’m sure they can use some of your brilliant ideas and time. Now, if the school districts are great, then the next place to visit would be the city council meetings in your city. (I recommend that one family member attend each city council meeting to learn what is going on and then bring the information back to the family/community.) There are projects that are just waiting for help. Then don’t forget the nonprofits and community groups, they are always looking for people to help with their mission.
Have you heard the statement, ‘If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.’? Which part are you going to play. If you need some ideas about how you can become engaged in your community, call the Telegram office at 313.928.2955 for suggestions.
In addition to being the CEO of the Telegram News, I am also the President of the Western Wayne County NAACP Branch. We represent people in 24 cities in Wayne County. Our General Membership meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 7:00pm. Our May 13th meeting will be held at the Telegram News Building 10748 W. Jefferson Ave. Stop by the meeting to get engaged with people from the community.
Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth. Muhammad Ali
Gina Wilson Steward
Telegram News - CEO
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