Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

It's time to get active in your community

Well, summer is coming to an end. It is time for the youth to go back to school. Some are going to college and some are going to elementary.

That will free up some time for most parents to take some time for themselves. I encourage each parent to take some ME Time. You may ask what is ME Time. That is when you focus on yourself. I know that is hard to do. However if you don’t take some time for yourself your body has a way of letting you know that you should have. (It will shut down on you) When I burn the candle on both ends, I know when its time to say no, I can’t make it to your event or to your meeting.

People will get over it and you will too.

I am requesting again that once you have taken your downtime and the kids and family are all ok, can you stop by the City Council or School Board meeting in your city. We need to hear from you.

Gina Steward



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