Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

The Youth Views On Voting

Voting is a controversial topic for a lot of people. Many people have their own opinions and experiences on voting and whether it's beneficial or not. Not everybody cares much about voting while others believe it is their duty to get out and vote. With elections coming up again there's plenty of different viewpoints to look at especially from the youth on why or why not they'll be voting.

People who continue to vote are usually those who still have faith in the system who believe that with casting their vote they are letting their voice be heard regardless of who may not like it. Those who choose not to vote and those who are totally against it for themselves usually believe that the system will never change; that it was built this way and there's no faith for them within the system. Either of these situations can be right depending on the person and their personal reasons as to why they believe this way. I, myself as part of the youth, have my own opinions on voting and personal views on why I think this way but I'll be focusing on other people's views and what they had to say about it.

Multiple young people believe that voting is important to them and that's why they exercised that right by going out and voting in the August 3rd elections this year. Having the right to vote is what keeps a lot of them motivated to do it. A few do believe that the system is rigged and whoever is put into office is who "they" want to be in there, however they have the choice therefore they will. "Every vote counts" is what others believe and feel like more young people need to vote considering how the world is now. Voting in their opinion can make a change.

Some young people on the other hand believe that voting isn't beneficial for us as black people and other "minorities". They don't like the way the world handles the people, not just black people but everyone. Equal opportunities aren't given to everyone equally. People are treated a certain way depending on what race they are. Voting to them means nothing because nothing has changed. The people in office aren't there to help the black community. They make false promises to the people that are never kept. For that very reason many of them try to stay out of the political world. They don't trust the system because the system hasn't been proven trustworthy. They have the right to vote just as much as they have the right not to. It's a choice.

There's a lot of young people believing in the change that voting can bring and there are a lot of young people who believe that there's other ways besides voting that they can do to make a change. Making change in the communities doesn't start or end with voting. Do what you think is best for you and let others do what they think is best for them. Whether you choose to vote or not, don't let that stop you from being the change you want to see in the world. With that being said I know voting can be a sensitive subject for a lot of people but it's best to respect other people's opinions and different viewpoints on this subject and never try to force your beliefs onto someone else.


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