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Books In The Hood Reviews: Malanie, The Perfectly Unique Swan!

I'Esha Mitchell is the newest writer to be welcomed to Downrivers' club of authors. Mitchell has already sold out of her first title, "Malanie, The Perfectly Unique Swan!", and is waiting patiently for the next shipment. Malanie tells the story of a young swan, finding herself in the world that Mitchell has created. Malanie lives in a community of beautiful swans, where everyone shares the same physical attributes. Like most of Mitchell's audience, Malanie was born different from the bunch. Malanie was born with a purple nose. Her bright beak does not always generate positive attention. Malanie's peer swans are professionals at casting jokes about her differences.

The story begins with Malanie's mother asking if she is ready for her school's Hat Day. Malanie does not directly answer her question, but asks why she's the "weird looking swan" among the group of school children. Hat Day means nothing to the young swan. Malanie questions if she even belongs. As quickly as a bird takes flight, her mother rejects the idea.

Instead, she nurtures Malanie. Assuring her daughter that the insults didn't matter. She makes the point that her purple nose is just as unique as her own talents and abilities. She shows Malanie the photo book which has been archiving her life since childhood. That proves that Malanie has been a beautiful baby with a purple nose since birth, who has a knack for creativity, kindness, and having a good time.

Malanie's spirit shifted to new heights. Her mother's talk pumped her with the confidence to accept her purple nose, and to conquer Hat Day. Malanie uncovers her bedazzled raincoat, which won her first place in the Rainbow Swan Beauty Pageant. Our feathered friend takes the raincoat, and proceeds to design it into a stylish hat. That's sure to draw attention from her purple nose, and the gentle, creative person on the inside. Does Malanie go on to win the hat contest? Readers will not know until I'Esha fills us in on her next adventure.

I'Esha Mitchell has written a kids book that she wished was available to her as a child. Mitchell has a reputation for being friendly, bright, and carrying a bubbly personality. But she suffered from self image issues, and wore them well enough to hide from the public. Only a handful of people were aware of the issue. I'Esha created Malanie's world so she can have a place to address, unpack, and heal from her dilemmas of the past. Her goal is to also help mold a generation of youth, particularly young women who can live a happy, fulfilled life who won't have to heal from the same challenges she has overcome.

Xavier Jones - What was the process that inspired you to start writing?

I'Esha Mitchell - I took a social media break in January. I read a lot of books of different genres. All of a sudden I got into children's books. I decided I wanted to write my own. My first idea was for bigger kids, but I decided to do something for the babies first.

Xavier Jones - Why did you write Malanie, The Perfectly Unique Swan?

I'Esha Mitchell - When I was younger I had self esteem issues. As an adult I know the importance of gaining that self love as a child. So it can trail into adulthood.

Xavier Jones - Why did you take the break from social media?

I'Esha Mitchell - It had nothing to do with the book. I wanted to clear my mind, there was too much negativity around me. I fell into a depression from comparing myself with what I saw online. The best thing for me to do was delete all my social media accounts, and start loving myself in the real world.

Xavier Jones - As the Author of Malanie, The Perfectly Unique Swan! Do you feel as if you got your message across?

I'Esha Mitchell - Yes! Definitely! The book is about a young swan who was born different, and feels as if she does not fit in because of it. Her mother guides her to self love, that's a topic I really wanted to portray; A young woman being taught self love by her mother. I believe your mom is the person who's supposed to be guiding a young lady. Her mother teaches her that it's ok to stand out, and it's perfectly fine to be unique. That being different doesn't make you less beautiful, or inferior to the next individual. Every child needs to hear and know this.


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