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Brittany Chriswell is Trailblazing the Silver Screen

Those who attended school with Brittany Chriswell would remember her as a relatively quiet young lady. She stuck to herself, and stayed close to her friend group. Brittany wasn't a loud student, nor did she compete, or desire to be in River Rouge High School's limelight. She played in the band, where she was adored, and looked at as a younger sister by some of her bandmates.

After graduating in 2014 Chriswell set off to find a lane of her own. Eventually she ran into a family member who had left home to pursue acting. Brittany seen him at a family function and he added her to a social media page that would change her life forever. Brittany knew it was time to use the skills she showed on the field, onto the stage and screen.

Brittany used the acting page to find roles, and even connect with acting classes. Brittany smashed out of her shell to grow her resume as fast as she could. She is already receiving her flowers in the short time she has been on the scene. Chriswell is admired by her peers, respected and coached by her elders, and rewarded for her patience in the field.

The more Brittany runs up her profile, the more premieres she has to attend. She plays in Je' McClain's What About Christmas. This is not Brittany's first time on one of McClain's sets. Brittany has taken Je's acting class, and was a part of her play, Your Man is Cheating on us. Chriswell credits the veteran director and writer as being one of the first people to give her a chance. What About Christmas premieres at the Senate Theater December 17th at 8:00 pm. Come out to support a Panther, and to add a new classic to your holiday list.

Xavier Jones - How did you get into the acting business?

Brittany Chriswell - I have a cousin that pursued acting, he moved from Michigan to Las Vegas to better focus on it. I told him I had an interest so he added me to an acting group on social media. The group had casting calls, auditions, and opportunities to be an extra on set. I took advantage of it quickly to build my resume.

Xavier Jones - What was your first acting gig?

Brittany Chriswell - I auditioned for a role to play Gina on a live reshoot of a Martin episode. I thought it was going to be my chance so I pounced on it! Unfortunately it got canceled, but someone I met on set was able to point me in the right direction.

Xavier Jones - Can you explain the movie that you're in that is premiering this weekend?

Brittany Chriswell - What About Christmas, it premiers December 17th. It's a Christmas family movie. It's not the average Christmas movie, there's a lot of friction and emotion between characters. What About Christmas is a religious movie that can take you through a roller coaster of emotions.

Xavier Jones - Do you have any advice for people looking to get into acting?

Brittany Chrisswell - Don't be shy! Step out of your comfort zone, and contact the people who are giving away opportunities. They're looking for more people than you know. But you have to be ready for the long hours. Some of those long hours you find out there's complications with the job. But be patient and have a good attitude, someones always watching.


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