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Articles from the March 18, 2021 edition

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  • City of Westland launch new dashboard focus on Financial & Community

    Mar 18, 2021

    WESTLAND - The City of Westland has launched a new financial and community performance dashboard available at The new dashboard, powered by Michigan-based Munetrix, provides an insider's look at the city's financial health by providing a convenient and easy-to-navigate portal for multi-year data regarding where the city's money comes from and where its spent. Also included on the dashboard are other relevant financial reports and community data insights. The launch has c...

  • Elected officials must follow the rules

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher|Mar 18, 2021

    I attend many City Council meetings; some in person or on ZOOM. There are normally not many people attending. The audience is mostly made up of department heads and under ten loyal residents. Why don't more people attend the meetings that govern their city? This is Sunshine Week and the focus is transparency and Freedom of Information from Elected Officials. (You will see several articles in this week's issue that deal with transparency.) I normally mention that we have to hold our elected offic...

  • An attack on one is an attack on all

    Derrick Johnson, NAACP President CEO|Mar 18, 2021

    Tuesday night's string of attacks at Atlanta day spas is yet another disgusting and disturbing example of how the spread of domestic terrorism has been allowed to torment minority communities. There have been prominent voices promoting this virulent hate speech before, but the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and parallel rise of misinformation has intensified these attacks. Since the start of the pandemic, there have been over 3,000 recorded hate incidents against the Asian American community,...

  • The War on Cartoons

    James Abeare, Contributing Writer|Mar 18, 2021

    Yeah, I know the title sounds ridiculous but it is going on. The casualties so far are Disney’s Dumbo, Peter Pan and the Aristo Cats, for supposed racist depictions, along with Pepe LePew for promoting a rapist culture. And the Left has it sights set on Speedy Gonzales (again) and Miss Piggy, for also promoting a rapist culture. Why all the hate on cartoons all of a sudden? Probably because cartoons, by nature, over do things physically that normal people can’t do, like walk three feet in open a...

  • River Rouge Police and Community groups provide snacks for children

    Gail Monds|Mar 18, 2021

    The food pantry at the River Rouge Police Department serves two purposes: providing children with easily prepared snacks and helping them foster positive relationships with police officers. Ravioli, peanut butter and jelly, tuna fish, crackers, fruit snacks, microwavable meals and macaroni and cheese, cereal, breakfast bars and juices are examples of some of the snacks readily available at the pantry. A recent donation of baby formula will help expand the program to babies in need. River Rouge...

  • Wayne County Sheriff Office is SEEKING TO FILL 200 VACANCIES

    Mar 18, 2021

    Wayne County – Wayne County Sheriff Raphael Washington is looking for 200 men and women to fill corrections officer vacancies at the three jails. The vacancies-resulting from retirements or other turnover-critically affect staffing levels in the facilities. In an effort to get folks hired fast, the Sheriff is spreading the word that we need those seeking employment to contact the agency so that their application may head to the top of the list. "While the staffing shortage we're facing is not n...

  • Michigan Press Association Celebrates Sunshine Week Democracy Demands Journalism

    Julie Stafford, Publisher Daily News|Mar 18, 2021

    The saying "No news is good news" is rarely - if ever - true. According to Cambridge Dictionary, that statement is "said to make someone feel less worried when they have not received information about someone or something, because if something bad had happened, they would have been told about it." How many times have you found out too late that a loved one or friend has been battling cancer or going through a bitter divorce? There were things you wished you could have said or support you could h...

  • Wayne-Westland Schools Introduces Mindfulness Resource

    Renee Summers, Telegram Reporter|Mar 18, 2021

    As the Wayne-Westland School District prepared to welcome students and staff back into the classrooms for in-person hybrid learning on March 1, it became clear that not everyone was comfortable with moving from the virtual-only classroom format. But the district had a plan to address anxiety. Last year, Superintendent John Dignan had already prompted some of the district's department heads to form a Mental Health Taskforce to assess the mental health needs in students and staff as they...

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