Serving Metropolitan Detroit Since 1944

Opinion / Are You Paying Attention?

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 69

  • Celebrate Juneteenth, but also learn it's history and pass it on

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher|Jun 20, 2024

    Juneteenth is a Federal holiday, which means post offices, banks and municipalities are closed on that day.. There will be parades, community events, forums and many other events. I hope you take time to attend an event. But I urge you to learn why the day is important. Here is some information that you can use to build on your knowledge of Juneteenth. The origins of Juneteenth date back to June 1865. Even though the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 and t...

  • It's time to celebrate. Happy Anniversary to me!

    Gina Wilson Steward|Jun 6, 2024

    This week marks my 18th Anniversary as owner of the Telegram Newspaper. What an accomplishment for me and my family! On Monday, June 1st as I thanked God for his continued Favor as I stepped out on being an entrepreneur 18 years ago. As any small business owner knows, if you don't work... you don't eat. I have never looked back. (Well not really. I did look back once early on when my finances was negative and I remembered those guaranteed $2,000/week checks that I used to get in Corporate...

  • The Presidential Primary Election is days away Don't forget to vote!

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher|Feb 22, 2024

    Have you voted yet? The Presidential Primary election is on Tuesday, February 27th. With less than one week to go before Election Day, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson announced on Tuesday that more than 765,000 Michigan voters have already cast their ballots. This marks the first time early in-person voting can take place since voters passed Proposal 2 in November 2022. Benson said more than 18,000 voters turned out for the first three days of in-person early voting last weekend, while...

  • Sharing our history; finding the Pioneers among us

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher|Feb 8, 2024

    Happy Black History Month! It's no time like the present for you to learn your history. During 2020, the Telegram News had a series entitled, 'Pioneers of African American History' written by Renee Summers. The section focused on sharing information about unfamiliar African Americans. Most people know about Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Rosa Parks and Madame C. J. Walker, but there are so many others that helped to shape our country and our lives. This year we are highlighting...

  • All we need is us

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher CEO|Jan 18, 2024

    If you know me, then you have heard me say over and over that we must support our local businesses. I say it and I put it in the Telegram each week. The survival of our local businesses starts with us and it ends with us. If you listen to news reports and read some news articles, the picture is gloom and doom for the existence of many small businesses in our communities. The mainstream media is focused on the resurgence of the City of Detroit and there are many programs that have been formed to...

  • Take this time to plan for your future

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher|Dec 21, 2023

    Merry Christmas and I pray you have a peaceful and productive Christmas break. This week I want to speak to the students and parents of high school and college students. I know that you will have about two weeks to relax from doing school work and going to class, but this is not the time to do nothing. For those of you that are juniors and seniors in high school, you can use this time to look for scholarships if you plan on going to college. You can also use this time to research the different...

  • Give a subscription to the Telegram Newspaper

    Gina Wilson Steward|Nov 30, 2023

    Where do you get your news from? I'm not talking about news outlets that only tell stories about people in your community when they commit a crime. I'm talking about news outlets that tell stories about positive news going on in your community. Aley Haley, writer of the acclaimed book, 'Roots', lived by six words, "Find the good and praise it." Each week, the Telegram Newspaper strives to share information about good that people are doing while reporting on positive stories that are happening...

  • Thank you supporters of the Telegram

    Gina Wilson Steward, Telegram CEO|Nov 23, 2023

    It’s time to celebrate the 79th Anniversary of the Telegram Newspaper. We consider us to be the Biggest Little Paper in town. There comes a time when you look back over your past and you just say Thank You. I know I do that daily. I thank God for good health, vision, good family, loyal readers and supporters of the Telegram. We have come a long way and my heart just expands when someone calls and tells me that they enjoy reading the articles within the pages of the Telegram. (Yes, some people r...

  • It's Election Time

    Gina Wilson Steward, Telegram CEO Publisher|Nov 2, 2023

    Several cities in Wayne County will have a General Election on Tuesday, November 7th . I know it is not the Presidential election, but it is important that you exercise your right to vote. It is time to use these last few days to learn as much as you can about the candidates who are running to represent you. They are not vying for the position of President of United States. The positions that they are trying to hold has more of an effect on your daily lives than the presidency. The positions...

  • I'm back to a fist bump Don't be offended, I'm just trying to be safe

    Gina Wilson Steward, Telegram Publisher CEO|Oct 12, 2023

    Well, it seems like the number of COVID cases are on the rise. It’s time to begin to take some of the precautions that we took during the 2020-2022 pandemic. The good thing is that we lived through it. Many of us adjusted the way that we did things during that time period. Whether it was wearing a mask, staying six feet away from the next person or staying in the house, we adjusted what we did in an effort to not get very sick and to stay alive. Early this year, the CDC announced that the C...

  • March on Washington There comes a time when you just have to go

    Gina Wilson Steward|Aug 24, 2023

    I remember it was the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington. I had a feeling that I couldn't shake. I felt like I had to be there. So I went. I was a new member of the Western Wayne County NAACP but we weren't providing a bus to go to Washington DC. So after a little research, I connected with the NAACP branch out of the Southfield area and made my plans to go DC. I didn't know anyone in the branch, just a name, a phone number and a location to meet. So on the day to leave, Keith dropped...

  • Give a subscription to the Telegram Newspaper

    Gina Wilson Steward, CEO Publisher|Jun 29, 2023

    Aley Haley, writer of the acclaimed book, ‘Roots’, lived by six words, "Find the good and praise it." Each week, the Telegram Newspaper strives to share information about the good people are doing while reporting on positive stories that are happening in our communities and sharing information that will help our readers improve the lives of their families. Our goal is to continue to increase the number of people reading these stories each week. We are growing and expanding, as we prepare to cel...

  • It's time to celebrate being an entrepreneur

    Gina Wilson Steward, CEO|Jun 1, 2023

    This week marks my 17th Anniversary as owner of the Telegram Newspaper. Whew!! What an accomplishment for me and my family! I am excited about this milestone. Who would have thought that after changing careers from being an engineer to being a publisher over 17 years ago I would still be enjoying my career. Now that Covid is over, its time to take the Telegram to another level. I hope you are with me. I thank God for his continued Favor as I stepped out on being an entrepreneur 17 years ago. As...

  • A Tribute to my Mom

    Gina Wilson Steward, Telegram CEO|May 4, 2023

    "Your mother really raised you guys right." Those were the words spoken from my new doctor as we finished talking during my annual mammogram appointment. Wow, I said as I began to reflect on the sentence and my mother at the same time. Those words came from a stranger, my new doctor of fifteen minutes. I thought about what she said as I walked to my car from the beautiful Karmones Cancer Institute in Downtown Detroit. I immediately called my sister, Ingrid, to talk about how that statement was...

  • Family improvement starts with a conversation

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher CEO|Apr 13, 2023

    There has been so much going on in our lives and our communities. Within the pages of the Telegram News, I try to encourage our readers to get involved in their communities. We do a good job at keeping you focused on an issue, but now we have to figure out a way to do many things at once. It starts with having a conversation and keeping the lines of communication open. Here is my attempt to prioritize our efforts that will help our families improve. Since it is so much going on, I am suggesting...

  • What is the story? Let's Take Time to Read

    Gina Wilson Steward, Telegram Publisher CEO|Feb 23, 2023

    There are so many people that have written a book. Our Black History Series – Spotlight on Local Authors- has been a hit so we are going to continue it. The emails and calls that we have received from local authors has been encouraging and enlightening. I knew that people have something to say, because I do. What I didn't know was that people have taken the next step to have their words published. The Telegram will continue to run the 'Spotlight on Local Authors' throughout the year. If you a...

  • Do you think you should learn Black History?

    Gina Wilson Steward, CEO Publisher|Feb 16, 2023

    Happy Black History Month! It's no time like the present for you to learn your history. Most people know about Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Rosa Parks and Madame C. J. Walker, but there are so many others that helped to shape our country and our lives. I grew up in a household that focused on learning about Black history. We played Black History Bingo, had Black History Trivia games and my parents made sure we visited museums to learn about our history and took trips to expose...

  • Learning about Dr. King should be a year long process

    Gina Wilson Steward, Telegram News Publisher|Feb 2, 2023

    The third Monday of January is the day that the nation recognizes the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The United States passed the legislation to make it a Federal Holiday in 1983. But the first observance nationwide wasn't until 1986. During many of the talks I have done in his honor over the years, I encourage people to honor his life and celebrate the accomplishments that were made during his short life throughout the year. I decided to use the Telegram to do just that. Although I...

  • Our Health is Our Wealth

    Gina Wilson Steward, Telegram Publisher|Dec 29, 2022

    Over the last two months I have been watching my dad's diet. No he is not on a diet, but his doctor has instructed us that there are some things that he needs to remove from his normal meal plan (diet). The doctors said, 'no processed food, no caffeine and no salt'. Well for the months of November and December I have controlled his food intake thus, also controlling mine. He was a Pepsi drinker, but during these two months, he has had one (1) Pepsi. (I let him get a treat last week) He drinks...

  • Thank you supporters of the Telegram News

    Gina Wilson Steward, CEO Publisher|Nov 24, 2022

    It's time to celebrate the 78th Anniversary of the Telegram Newspaper. We consider us to be the Biggest Little Paper in town. There comes a time when you look back over your past and you just say Thank You. I know I do that daily. I thank God for good health, vision, good family, loyal readers and supporters of the Telegram. We have come a long way and my heart just expands when someone calls and tells me that they enjoy reading the articles within the pages of the Telegram. (Yes, some people...

  • The residents have the Power; use it at the ballot box

    Gina Wilson Steward, CEO Publisher|Nov 3, 2022

    I sometimes ponder on the question, what is the responsibility of elected officials? I believe that their main responsibility is to represent the people in the area where they were elected. Whether it is a city council, state representative, governor, etc., they are to represent the people. However, there are times when elected officials seem to vote their own agenda. They may vote to pass legislation that will benefit their friend's company and sometimes they may vote not to support the best...

  • It's Election Season

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher CEO|Oct 27, 2022

    All cities in Michigan will have a General Election on Tuesday, November 8th. I know it is not the Presidential election, but it is important that you exercise your right to vote. It is time to learn about the candidates who are running to represent you. The positions that they are trying to hold has more of an effect on your daily lives than the presidency. The positions are Mayors/Supervisors, City Council persons/trustees, Clerks, Treasures and Judges. Take some time to get to know the candid...

  • Why are they activist?

    Gina Wilson Steward, CEO|Aug 25, 2022

    I watched a group of young people over the last few months and I began to ponder the question, why are they activist? Were they born with the Activist gene or did they become activist because of the associations that they have had. After thinking about it for a while, I decided that it is probably a combination of both. I watched these young people stand and speak so eloquently about things that they want to change in their communities and in the colleges and schools that they attend. They...

  • Do you know that You have the right to VOTE?

    Gina Wilson Steward|Jul 28, 2022

    Are you going to vote in this year's election? I hope so . I put together this brief history that explains what transpired in order for many of you to have 'the right' to vote. The 15th Amendment states: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." The 15th Amendment granting African-American men the right to vote was adopted into the U.S. Constitution in...

  • Have you read anything good lately?

    Gina Wilson Steward, CEO Publisher|Apr 14, 2022

    How much time do your children spend reading in a week? Do they see you reading? I have always been a reader. My parents made sure we read books, mostly Black History books or stories, however we always were reading. I remember my teacher at Northrup Elementary school, Ms. Moore, challenging us to read a book a week. We also had competitions to see who could read the most books and since I love to win... I always kept a book in my hand. As you see reading is a learned behavior. I read books,...

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