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Opinion / Are You Paying Attention?

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  • March is Reading Month Take Time To Read

    Gina Wilson Steward|Mar 3, 2022

    As Reading Month begins, I want to inspire you to continue reading. Reading opens the world to you without paying for air fare, rental car and a hotel stay. It is a way to share in the lives of people you don't know. Remember Reading is FUNdamental. Each week, the Telegram Newspaper strives to share information about the good people are doing while reporting on positive stories that are happening in our communities. It is sometimes hard to decide which stories to put in the paper each week....

  • Black History Month comes to an end, now what's the plan?

    Gina Wilson Steward, Telegram CEO|Feb 24, 2022

    Well February is just about over and that ends Black History Month. However, we will continue to share information about Black people, Black Business and organizations throughout the year. Let’s make 2022 a year of learning and sharing. The Telegram Newspaper is a Black History fact. It is the oldest weekly community newspaper that is owned by a Black woman in Michigan. Just so you know, we are not the only Black woman owned newspaper in the State of Michigan. I might be the only one that you kn...

  • Two years in and we still need to wear a mask

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher|Jan 27, 2022

    The number of cases of people having a positive test for COVID-19 has been increasing over the last two months. Michigan is still one of the states with a very high number of cases and deaths. Then why are people still not wearing a mask or face covering when they are around people? I have even seen people come into the gas stations, banks and businesses without a face covering or mask even though there is normally a sign on the door that says, Mask is Required. But they walk right in....

  • Martin Luther King was a Millennial when he made history

    Gina Wilson Steward, CEO|Jan 13, 2022

    During this week, the United States of America pauses to celebrate the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. When I speak about him, I always remind people that he was only 39 years old when he was assassinated. Yes, he was a millennial. Think about it. He impacted the country during his 20s and 30s. What were you doing when you were that young? Were you standing in front of crowds and captivating them with your oratorical skills? Were people in the South making it their business to gather...

  • HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's time to make changes in our lives to be healthier

    Gina Wilson Steward, Telegram CEO|Jan 6, 2022

    Well, another year has come and gone. For some people, things have affected their lives and they were forced to make some changes. For others, they have planned to make changes. And for the last group, no matter what happens they are not going to change; they will continue to do the same thing year after year. I know for me, like most of you, I wish Covid-19 would have left at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve. But unfortunately, we will be dealing with this virus for a little longer. If...

  • Where are the HOTPICKS?

    Gina Wilson Steward|Nov 18, 2021

    If I heard that once, I heard it 100 times over the last two weeks. Yes, I forgot to put the HOTPICK numbers in the Telegram during the first two weeks in November. The readers called me, texted me, harassed our delivery persons and complained to the store clerks. I apologize for that. It was definitely not done on purpose. I received the same type of response when I did a test case and purposely removed the Word Search puzzle. That was amazing. I didn’t know how much people loved doing the w...

  • What happened to the constant sanitizing at the stores?

    Gina Wilson Steward, Telegram CEO Publisher|Nov 11, 2021

    The Covid Pandemic is still real. I notice so many different things that make me say mmmmm when I am out in the community. But the other day I realized that this was occurring more often. Since it is a coin shortage, many stores suggest that you use your debit/credit card or have exact change. No problem, I can abide by that simple request. Sometimes people give me the evil eye as I dig in the bottom of my purse to make the exact change. Oh well, it's gives them a chance to just relax and...

  • You have the right to VOTE; Now use it

    Gina Wilson Steward, Telegram News CEO|Oct 14, 2021

    It is the year 2021, and the General Election is less than three weeks away. Are you going to vote in the election? I hope so. This brief history explains what transpired in order for you to have 'the right' to vote. The 15th Amendment states: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." The 15th Amendment granting African-American men the right to vote was...

  • It's Election Season Learn who the candidates are

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher|Sep 2, 2021

    Several cities in Wayne County will have a General Election on Tuesday, November 2nd. I know it is not the Presidential election, but it is important that you exercise your right to vote. It is time to learn about the candidates who are running to represent you. They are not vying for the position of President of United States. The positions that they are trying to hold has more of an effect on your daily lives than the presidency. The positions are Mayors/Supervisors, City Council...

  • I'm OK with a fist bump

    Gina Wilson Steward, Telegram Publisher|Jul 29, 2021

    I was so excited when the COVID-19 numbers were going down consistently earlier this year. All I was thinking about was that things were going to back to some type of normal by the time school started in the Fall. I want the children to return to attending school, and having a kid's life. There are so many kids that are falling behind even more because school has been virtual for so long. Unfortunately, it looks like they will start this next school year virtual again. But what makes me nervous...

  • GOOD VS EVIL When will the shooting of innocent people end?

    Gina Wilson Steward, CEO Publisher|Jun 24, 2021

    What is going on in the world today? There is so much violence in cities throughout the United States. Everyday when I turn on the television there has been another person killed. Most of the killings are by a gun. Did you see the one in New York when the man knocked down two kids and the killer was still shooting at the man. This happened in broad daylight with other people on the street? Then there are the ones when people are shooting into cars; either on a city street or on the freeway....

  • The people have spoken

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher and CEO|May 20, 2021

    I love hearing from the readers of the Telegram News. It is pleasing to realize that people enjoy the Telegram and they will take time out to let me know how they feel. So many people call and thank us for keeping them informed about a topic or to shout out the way that one of the reporters shared a story on a particular person or issue. But last week had people buzzing. They were calling me, texting me, calling the office, complaining to my family members… A few said they were going to write a...

  • Take the Vaccine and hold my new grandson!

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher CEO|May 6, 2021

    On May 11, 2021, I will receive my second COVID-19 Vaccination shot. Then two weeks later I should be fully vaccinated from COVID-19. That is a huge accomplishment for me. I have always been a non-vaccination taking person. Besides, the ones required to attend school. As an adult, I have an unwritten rule that I don't take vaccines and I don't take the flu shots. Period. I am also a graduate of Tuskegee University. I know this is different, however, in the back of my mind, I have those...

  • Time is Overdue for Real Solutions to Gun Violence, Effective Limits on Police use of Deadly Force:

    Imad Hamad, Executive Director of|Apr 29, 2021

    Gun violence is an American national problem. Police usage of unnecessary deadly force is another one. Both kill innocent people. It is a problem that calls for a solution. The recent shootings by police and by citizens are not the first and, if the status quo is not changed, will surely not be the last. Gun violence makes us all feel insecure. Violence seems random. This sense of randomness makes the average citizen feel that this violence is a risk to themselves and to their loved ones. It’s a sad state of endless cycle of gun violence as w...

  • It's Time to Talk About the Violence in our Communities/ Police and Community Relationships

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher|Apr 22, 2021

    I am an avid news watcher but only after the first 15 minutes of the news broadcast. You know why, because in the first 15 minutes its all about the violence in our communities. Somebody got shot, some kid shot themselves with a gun they found in the house or somebody got hit either walking across the street or driving on the freeway. Does that sound familiar? I know one or two of those stories will headline the news no matter which station that you are watching. It's not that I am ignoring the...

  • We Still Need to Wear a Mask

    Gina Wilson Steward|Apr 8, 2021

    The number of cases of people having a positive test for COVID-19 has been increasing. Michigan is the top state with new cases over the last week. Our numbers have now reached the level of cases that we had in December. Then why are people still not wearing a mask or face covering when they are outside around people? I have even seen people come into the gas station without a face covering or mask. If they look friendly, I might say, 'hey man, did you forget your mask?' I just knew we were...

  • Reading month is coming to a close, However, keep reading

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher|Mar 25, 2021

    As Reading Month comes to a close, I want to inspire you to continue reading. Reading opens the world to you without paying for air fare, rental car and a hotel stay. It is a way to share in the lives of people you don't know. Remember Reading is FUNdamental. Each week, the Telegram Newspaper strives to share information about the good people are doing while reporting on positive stories that are happening in our communities. It is sometimes hard to decide which stories to put in the paper each...

  • Elected officials must follow the rules

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher|Mar 18, 2021

    I attend many City Council meetings; some in person or on ZOOM. There are normally not many people attending. The audience is mostly made up of department heads and under ten loyal residents. Why don't more people attend the meetings that govern their city? This is Sunshine Week and the focus is transparency and Freedom of Information from Elected Officials. (You will see several articles in this week's issue that deal with transparency.) I normally mention that we have to hold our elected offic...

  • Reading is a must skill...Pass it on.

    Gina Wilson Steward, Telegram Publisher|Mar 4, 2021

    How much time do your children spend reading in a week? Do they see you reading? I have always been a reader. My parents made sure we read books, mostly Black History books or stories, however we always were reading. I remember my teacher at Northrup Elementary school, Ms. Moore, challenging us to read a book a week. We also had competitions to see who could read the most books and since I love to win... I always kept a book in my hand. Guess what, my kids grew up reading and winning too. My...

  • Making changes that will result in a better 2021

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher CEO|Feb 25, 2021

    The year is off to a busy start and if we get involved, things will continue to move at a fast pace. As you think about what you will spend your time on, I suggest you take about a week to jot down somethings that are important to you. Our goal is to come out of the pandemic better than when we went in. If things go well with the vaccine and people continuing to wear their masks, Dr. Fauci and President Joe Biden said that by December of this year, things could be almost back to a sense of norma...

  • Black History is Everybody's History

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher CEO|Feb 4, 2021

    Happy Black History Month! It's no time like the present for you to learn your history. During 2020, the Telegram News had a series entitled, 'Pioneers of African American History' written by Renee Summers. The section focused on sharing information about unfamiliar African Americans. Most people know about Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Rosa Parks and Madame C. J. Walker, but there are so many others that helped to shape our country and our lives. I grew up in a household that...

  • I Am Empowered

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher|Jan 14, 2021

    I traveled to Washington DC with a bus load of people that I didn't know. I was so excited as we gathered in Southfield for the long journey. I have been to the King Center in Atlanta numerous of times, but I wanted to get to the monument I felt a sense of empowerment when I stood there amongst other people, that I didn't know. But on that day, we were all connected. We were honoring a man who had sacrificed it all for us. Because of him and his leadership , we are able to vote, sit where we...

  • Holding our Elected Officials Accountable is Hard Work and Risky

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher CEO|Dec 17, 2020

    Twice a year I publish a column 'We must hold our Elected Officials Accountable". As I rally with the community members and we discuss the issues that are important to them, I see the fire in their eyes. They are passionate about so many things. Their concerns range from salaries of the city attorneys, property being sold in the community, police stops & police interaction, councilpersons voting the influence of the Mayor, diversity of city hall employees, number of marijuana facilities within...

  • The gift of positive information Give a subscription to the Telegram Newspaper

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher|Dec 10, 2020

    Where do you get your news from? I’m not talking about news outlets that only tell stories about people in your community when they commit a crime. I’m talking about news outlets that tell stories about positive news going on in your community. Aley Haley, writer of the acclaimed book, ‘Roots’, lived by six words, "Find the good and praise it." Each week, the Telegram Newspaper strives to share information about what good people are doing while reporting on positive stories that are happeni...

  • Come On People, Wear a Mask

    Gina Wilson Steward, Publisher CEO|Nov 12, 2020

    The number of cases of people having a positive test for COVID-19 has been increasing. Then why are people still not wearing a mask or face covering? Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed an executive order in July of 2020 reiterating that people are required to wear a face covering whenever they are in an indoor public space or crowded outdoor spaces. I'm sure this wasn't done to penalize anyone. This was done to save people lives. Earlier this summer, it looked liked Michigan had finally got...

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